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Marketing your event never stops because data never sleeps: Infographic

The time your event website takes to load up is important, it really is a case of ‘every second counts’ and studies carried out by Kissmetric show that page abandonment doubles with an increase in page load time from 2 to 4 seconds. Losing visitors because of slow page load times will mean you are losing potential ticket purchasers or exhibitor stand bookings.

Business intelligence firm Domo have created an infographic which shows some of the vast numbers involved in todays digital consumption.

The figures are staggering and each piece of this data is creating a unique story about the individual plotting their own trail through the digital landscape.  Now granted not all of this data is going to be useful for marketing your event (in truth very little of it) so the task for event marketers is to:

  • Identify the metrics that are going to help you meet your event objectives.
  • Set-up the required measurement tools / processes to be able to keep track of the goal orientated data in real-time.
  • Find the stories that take this data back to your customers behaviour and take action to build a more successful event marketing campaign and improve your events ROI.

Take a look at the numbers below (4.16 million Facebook post likes per minute - Jaw Dropping):

Data never sleeps

Take control of your data today and use the digital stories your visitors are creating to help your event be more successful.

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